
June 27, 2023

100 Years - OR3O

作词 : Or3o

作曲 : Or3o

Why did you leave me?

I’m still here wondering

Cause I’m still in love with you

When blossoms are blooming I would think of you

Clouds flowing freely made me think of you

So I wrote a little song

Hoping you would sing along

Back then it only was a year but I was still in love with you

The cool summer breeze would make me think of you

Leaves of a clover made me think of you

So I wrote down every day as I was hoping as I prayed

Back then it’d been around 10 years but I would still in love with you

They call me crazy

They call me mad

The day you left me you were all that I had

But I remember the smile you gave and the bad days became brighter

I hope the best though we’re not together

A torch burning brightly made me think of you

The sword of a soldier made me think of you

So I wrote a little song

Hoping you would sing along

It’d been 20, 30 years but I was still in love with you

The shoes of a walker made me think of you

A dress of a bachelor made me think of you

So I wrote down every day as I was hoping as I prayed

It’d been 40, 50 years but I just still in love with you

They call me crazy

They call me mad

It’s been so many years I could barely stand

But I remember the days we had and the bad days start to disappear

I hope the best though I’m no longer here

*Trumpet solo

Musical kittens make me think of you

Every little thing here makes me think of you

So I wrote this little song hoping you would hear someday

It’s been a hundred years and I am still in love with you

--:-- / --:--
  1. 1100 YearsOR3O
  2. 2セパレイトポリスピカデリー/初音ミク



  • 在调研表单校验交互方案时,学到了 Robustness principle。 它可以被解读为:

    Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others

    这非常符合我对于 React 组件等模块设计的看法,提供 API 应当保守,同时应当预期用户以及其他模块的行为是不可靠的,因此应当保守地处理这些行为。

  • 给前端项目添加了 Plop 模板,又能节省一些日常开发的重复工作

  • rsuite 的 CI 突然挂了,原因是 aria-query 的一个更新引入了 breaking change,导致使用 DOM Testing Library 的 getByRole 方法查询 img 元素可能会失败 相关 PR 3247

开源和 Radar

  • 在写一个新的应用,现在完成度还很低,之后再公布。

  • Clerk 是我近期用过的开发体验最好的平台了,API 简洁、文档友好,从注册平台到为我的应用接入身份认证,前后不到十分钟。

  • Formik 居然恢复更新了


在周一的每日一题中学到了树上倍增,也学到了一个 solution 并不是要二选一地追求空间换时间或时间换空间,而是可以在中间找平衡点。


上周病倒了,这也是为什么上周没有更新 weekly。 病倒的时候我们正好在搬家,我突然就变成废人一个,剩下女朋友忙前忙后搬来搬去,实在辛苦 😢。


